22 Aug 2007

the minor things in life

There's a common saying that it's the little things in life that matter the most. The well-timed overseas phone call, the small pats on the back, a nod or smile from a complete stranger along the corridor that makes our day just a hint merrier.

Then there's the other common saying not to let the minor things in life get you down. Those snide remarks from colleagues, that unintentionally crass comment, the replies laced with the isn't-it-so-obvious? attitude which we're meant to let slide.

So basically, the minor things in life are the most important things and yet these things shouldn't matter enough to get you down. Sounds pretty contradictory to me, at least at first glance.

In a sense, it justs confirms the fact that people tend not to notice the positive things in life that should matter, yet amplify and dwell on the negative things that we are meant to let go. In addition, it also points out that although it's easy to appreciate that serenity comes with releasing our negativity, it's way much harder to actualize in reality.

Hence, the need for regular (or at least occassional) reminders not to sweat the small stuff, in the form of "chin up" and "she's a b****, so don't give a s*** to what she says" messages peppered by friends.

So thank you my friends, because you not only bestow me with the precious little things in life, you are the big ones as well.

Lai must be thinking this post is dedicated to her. Is that your ego i see swelling up like a puffer fish? Someone hand me a needle please...


Anonymous said...

I can see that you do have a needle in your latest photo and apparently you still need more training looking at the blood spills on your blouse...

jiin said...

those blood stains are from a poor patient i decided to use my scalpel (that knife thing is the closest thing to a scalpel that i could find in the weapons section) on before i changed into scrubs. Evidently i'm going mental.