2 Oct 2007

Whatever happened to my youth?

I have not been to the main campus of The University With A Huge Ego And Penchant For Indiscriminately Leeching Money (TUWAHEAPFILM) for formal classes for the past 2 years. Today, i had the rare opportunity to visit it on my way to the book shop to do the 1 page Quiz from a Japanese textbook i refused to buy.

I was promptly affronted by short flowing skirts lapping enticingly against those skinny legs. Girls out in full spring gear: make up, tight revealing tops, I-invite-you-to-look-up-my-ass skirts and shorts, sunglasses, dangling ear rings that reflected the glorious sunlight like mini mirrors and killer heels to perk up their cute butt.

Wherever there was a short skirt/shorts, there was an average of 3 pairs of eyes from our lucky male counterparts trained on their legs and bum.

And there i was, dressed in a loose white shirt, black pants and an extremely over sized blue jacket. Not to mention a less than desirable figure slowly going pear shaped.

I might only be a year older than our final year commerce / arts / science students but i felt like i had lived a lifetime longer. *Sigh* And look the part as well.

I was left with the question of where has my youth disappeared to.

I remember when i was in kinder, there was this chinese nursery rhyme with a surprisingly depressing chorus:

太 阳 下 山 明 早 依 旧 爬 上 来
花 儿 泄 了 明 天 还 是 一 样 的 开
我 的 青 春 一 去 无 影 踪
我 的 青 春 小 鸟 一 去 不 回 来
我 的 青 春 小 鸟 一 去 不 回 来
别 的 那 样 哟
别 的 那 样 哟
我 的 青 春 小 鸟 一 去 不 回 来

I never understood it back then, but boy does it ring true.

What happened to my youth? High school and then med school happened.

Alright, i know that's just an excuse. :P

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