18 Nov 2007

doing something for the sake of doing it

As you know, we have finally arrived at the much awaited and anticipated period of excitement: exam season. NOT!

So this blog is written solely for the purpose of a word starting with P. Yes, you guessed it right. Procrastination.

In other words, i'm blogging for the sake of blogging.

Which ironically, is broadly in line with the general state of my life right now. Studying for the sake of passing my exams. Passing my exams to get my degree. Getting my degree for the sake of getting my degree. End of the line.

That's where the problem lies.

Where is the altruism? How can i be a medical student without a hint of altruism? For those who are asking the question, it's time you realised that not all doctors became doctors so that they can help people (either to live, to live longer, to live better if they can't live longer, or to die in peace and with dignity).

Sure, if you want to pass the interview to get into med school, you'd better state that as one of the reasons you're applying for the coveted place. But if there's a psychologist on the panel of interviewers, you can bet that they can smell it if you're lying. That is unless you practiced to perfection the face you're going to give them in front of the mirror. I'm pretty sure they still haven't instituted polygraph machines at admission interviews. *Phew!*

So, back to the original trend of thought. Living for the sake of living. If anyone has any ideas on what is the purpose of life, please please drop me a line and enlighten me. Because i'm dying to find out.

General #3 tells me that the purpose of life is procreation. In a way, it's possible. What do animals live for other than to pass on their genetic material?

But with global warming and the current world population sitting around 6.6 billion, estimated to reach 10 billion by 2050, i don't think procreation is that appropriate. Especially since a population of 10 billion is going to be unsustainable on earth. Apparently, the only country who has grasped this concept is China with it's one child policy. This is of course, the opinion of one of my lecturers Professor Roger Short whom i hold in very high esteem and with whom i concur.

Is the purpose of life to love and be loved? Perhaps that is the cryptic and true meaning behind the notion of procreation. Then again, there are many despicable people out there who have children without loving them, just look at Shellay Ward's parents. The birds, possums and squirrels in the park do better jobs at parenting.

Does religion provide an answer? If i were to ask a Christian, his answer would be "to live a life without sin so that in the afterlife i can be with God". Does it seem weird that someone could spend their whole life blindly following a book written by men who died centuries ago so that they can attain something which has never been proven to exist?

What about Buddhism? To be reincarnated and live again? To what purpose does their wheel of life and death turn?

Perhaps religion was created to help people who couldn't find the true meaning and purpose of life. At least if one believed in their system of reward and punishment, one would have a considerably smaller chance of straying onto the path of antisocial behaviour.

As for the terrorists who are mostly of Islamic origin, they are just misguided souls with insufficient intelligence who allowed themselves to be brain washed by the vigilante interpretations of the Koran.

I also happen to know of Christians of the same calibre who were brain washed into believing that all non-Christians are spawns of the devil and will burn in hell if we don't convert. I thought Christianity teaches tolerance of religious diversity?

If every religion says that people who don't believe in their religion are going to hell, then we're all going to their respective hells, so why bother subscribing to any particular faith at all?

What was the original purpose of this post again? Beats me.


Anonymous said...

Purpose of life: To be happy. A simple yet hard to achieve purpose. Hmm talking about religion, you're right about the unproven part. Actually come to think about it, almost all religion stuff are not proven. I find those who claim to serve their religion master scary. Doesn't it highlight to you guys that religion is just a form of social control? The bottomline to me is that if you like the teachings of certain religion, then just adopt it. That's the beauty of religion in the sense that what they preach are normally ideal behaviour. And don't go down the road of "oh lord.. let me be your servant".. and I wonder servant to do what? To mop the church? Beats me.

jiin said...

Mop the church... LMAO. Servants so that churches like city harvest can be filthy rich. Talking about millions here. Why do they need that much money anyway? If they invest in good surround sound speakers and PA system do their prayers reach God more easily?