19 Jan 2008

Time with Mel and Annika

More pictures!!! Tell me i'm a natural photographer.

Sunset at Nambawan Cafe before Mel and I settled down to watch Bird Cage at their moonlight cinema. Hilarious old movie with Robin Williams and Gene Hackman. We both forgot to put on our insect repellents but since i have quite an unpalatable blood according to mozzies, Mel became my sacrificial lamb. What would i do without you Mel? I hope you didn't get Malaria because of me.

Snorkeler's Cove on Iririki Island. I was going to jump in except for the fact that the water was too choppy (when yours truly managed to throw up while scuba diving at a location with no current whatsoever) and i didn't have sandals or reef shoes to protect me from the sea urchins. I sat there on a bench under a tree with a detective homicide fiction while waiting for the waves to calm until it hit the hour mark and went to join Mel at the pool instead. I know i know... city slicker.

Mel looking out over the infinity pool at Iririki Island Resort. We had a huge lunch at a discounted rate using the V guide and ended up alternating between lounging on the deck chairs and dipping ourselves in the pool when the sun got too scorching.

Man with a horn made from a shell lighting the torches survivor style. He does that every evening and sometimes when i'm in the city around sunset, i can hear him from the opposite shore.

On Christmas, every single shop in the whole of Vanuatu was closed except for Au Bon Marche. The orphaned medical students decided to go to Mele Cascades for a picnic. Annika was smuggled in to places as a medical student whenever she went out with us.

Can never get enough of Mele Cascades. When Yin and Tsai the 2 lovebirds from Adelaide left, Mel, Annika and i ended up sitting on a particularly high step, contemplating if we could risk sliding down into the deep pool below. Annika was the only one brave enough to begin an attempt and was rewarded with a burn on her arse.

Hideaway Island from the lookout point at Mele. Unfortunately we only found this grassy area after we had our picnic.

The snorkeling at Hideaway was fantastic. I walked into the water with bread and the fishes were swarming around me. Mel and Annika were laughing and screaming their lungs out underwater when we saw this 2 feet long fish with huge brown decaying teeth hovering just beyond my reach for bread. I swear it was giving me an evil stare that said "give me bread or i will chomp on your fingers with my bacteria infested incisors" when i didn't float bread its way.

Over the holiday season we went to so many other places. Unfortunately, most of the other pictures i took contain recognisable faces, so they shall remain for my personal enjoyment only.

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