14 Mar 2008

Enchanted or just purely Psychotic?

I was watching Enchanted, the not too recently released Disney movie staring McDreamy, and in the first 15mins of the movie i was thoroughly amused.

Talk about Giselle wearing an absurd dress, displaying melodramatic facial expressions, euphoric and labile mood, disinhibition evidenced by breaking out in song, cutting holes in curtains, dancing on the street, preoccupied with grandiose and bizarre delusions about her prince coming to save her, experiencing auditory hallucinations with talking animals, impaired cognition evidenced by her disorientation in time and place.

Differentials: Schizoaffective disorder, Bipolar with psychotic symptoms, substance induced psychosis, Histrionic personality traits.

I don't understand how McDreamy, who is meant to be grounded in reality, can be so dense as to not realise that there was something mentally wrong with her.

I think i'd have called a mental institution to ask if one of their patients have absconded.

But... given that it was meant to be a fairy tale for kiddies... alright... fairy tale characters are allowed to act totally psychotic once in awhile.

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