12 Mar 2008

Thanks Marshall & Warren

After years of procrastination, i finally took the Urea Breath Test to check for H. pylori.

In my ignorance, i had thought that it would be troublesome and unpleasant and have bad breath after it. How good can urea smell right?

I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was. Swallow a small capsule, wait for 5 minutes, hold breath for 10 seconds and blow into a bag, which is then sent off to the lab. No bad breath.

Back when we were newly inducted into our clinical years and happily reading up on Peptic Ulcer Disease, all of us new about the Urea Breath Test but none of the textbooks actually described how it was done. Even googling it didn't give me much of a description.

So if i had known it was so fuss free, i wouldn't have needed to waste so much saliva nagging MOAO to get it done.

I think Marshall & Warren rightly deserved to get the Nobel Prize for their discovery of H. pylori. Saves lots of us of South East Asian origin from PUD.

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