7 Sept 2008

My Dear PT

Have officially kickstart my fat losing program this Sep. Man.. its tough and requires a lot of discipline not only to go to the gym but also watch out the diet. Feels like back to the old school days where I had to scrutinise the amount of carbs and fats and proteins that go into my body. How I wish there is a ERP gantry at my mouth. Eg. fats would be charged a higher price than proteins and hence I would be deterred from consuming too much of it.

Anyway, let me introduce my dear PT. His name is Ron. To be fair, he is really not cute but has a nice body. Jiin, if you know me well enough.. you should know which body part I am eyeing at bah. Haha... Over the short span of 2 weeks, he has won my admiration and respect.

First, he makes his own food and brings to work everyday! Rationale: for health and money. I am really blown away by this man. He is really a rare breed in Singapore I must say. Even I myself is too lazy to make my own food everyday. Let alone lug it to work. Kudo! Respect sia.... Hardly anyone is able to inspire me nowadays and he has made it! So he does his own grocery shopping on Sunday and wakes up early to prepare his meals. A very discipline chap in working out 4 to 5 times a week too. I am just speechless...

Second, he is an enlightened soul. Hmm.. how should I put it. Its sort of like the ultimate goal in life is to achieve happiness and that happiness is actually quite a simple thing. Somehow it just struck a cord within me. It's been a long time since someone shares the same thought. And I realised I was losing the happy/corny/chirpy me... but well.. I am finding it back now =)


jiin said...

I'm guessing he must be particularly well-endowed to have caught your undivided attention ;) You know, parading in spandex outfits... Hiangz hiangz hiangz!

Anonymous said...

LOL. He is a walking signboard you know.. so of course got to be well-endowed. Hahaha... But too bad can only see no touch.

jiin said...

Hohoho... don't stare too much or someone will be in danger of being sued for sexual harrassment...