15 Dec 2008

I flew... erm... fell gracefully...

Thank you Lai! Did i tell you that i mentioned you in my yearbook? You must be so touched. When you come over i'll let you have a look at it.

My grad ceremony was such a farce. I was quite bad tempered before it started because General #3 and #3+ were having this ridiculous tiff and they dragged me out of bed at 10am just to drive them to uni, which is only 5 mins walk away. In addition, they made me rush to uni after my sis' ceremony so that i could take pictures and then i had to endure a full hour of walking around in that outrageously stifling regalia which kept on slipping backwards and came mostly undone by the time i was meant to receive my certs.

So i'm mighty glad it's all over and that i probably don't need to go through that again.

Cairns on the other hand was fun. It turned out to be a major puke fest for me though.

Sky diving was so quick it was over in a flash before i could fully register what on earth was going on. We jumped from 11, 000 feet from a small tiny plane with the door open the whole time. My sis went first and when i saw her flip out of the plane and fall away at an incredulous speed i was thinking "Oh Shit!"

Basically, i was pretty much pushed out of the plane by my tandem. I went "aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh..... pause to catch my breath.... aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh". It was exhilarating! We were falling at around 160km/hr. Can you imagine that? I've never even driven so quickly in my life!

Strangely enough, the sky diving didn't do me in but the obnoxious bus ride in an overcrowded, poorly ventilated mini van seething with a mixture of body odours did. I got off the bus and minutes later, was looking at the remnants of my breakfast.

Scuba diving was enjoyed the most by General #3+. He was getting all excited about the fishes and was posing for the camera with many OK signs. :D

I discovered with certainty that the sea is my death star. Remember how i puked underwater when i went scuba diving with MOAO in Vanuatu. Guess what? I am now officially crowned the Queen of Underwater Puking. I puked at least 4 times that day.

Armed with the experience on how to handle puking underwater, after my first puke into my regulator, my instructor was keen to bring me up to the surface but i said no, i was fine and soldiered on. However, I did give General #3+ a shock of his life when he saw me kneeling on the ocean floor turning green while spewing my guts out. Hehehe. I've never seen him so acutely concerned about me before.

Despite all that spewing, i managed to touch the most number of fishes among the 4 of us. I think physical contact traumatises the fishies. But the prospect of food keeps bringing them back anyway. Who would've thought that they possessed enough brains to process that?

On the second last day we went white water rafting. I think it was the best because i didn't throw up!!! Woohoo!!! Loved it. Our guide was humorous and experienced. Serendipitously, all of us assigned to raft Eh were from Melbourne. Here is my favourite photo from the trip.

Can you make out what we're signing? Hahaha... Don't you think we look hilarious?

Upon returning to Melbourne, all the other things i had disengaged myself from temporarily came back to haunt me. The word stress is an understatement. The unseasonably cold, wet and miserable days probably reflected my inner mood. I sat for the IELTS test required for my PR application on Saturday. It was unreasonably and ridiculously long for such an easy paper.

Now it's back to my house hunting and dealing with my car and internet troubles. Sigh. At least i don't have to hunt for christmas presents as well.

My holidays are dwindling awaAaAaAayyy.......

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