22 Jan 2009

Lai wishes the world is bigger!

To her horror, Lai discovered that her ex (whom she refused to admit and consider as an ex but couldn't find a better term) is a friend of her current crush. And this is all thanks to the pervasive facebook. But oh well... she has now decided to keep facebook out of her life as it originally was. This ex of hers ran off with her friend's storybook and yelled vulgarities at her when she tried to call him to understand his sudden disappearance, which she now understands there is a technical term - silence breakup, to describe it. Lai wishes the world is bigger!

Anyway, Lai has been hanging out and corresponding alot with her current crush. But sadly, her curiousity revealed that the current crush has just broken up with the ex-gf not long ago. Perhaps to be exact its the end of last year. Another disheartening fact, he will be leaving in mid-2009 for his post grad studies in the States. Oh well... Lai decides to just enjoy each other company but is contemplating whether to express her feelings to him though the rational side of her is telling her that its pointless. Jiin's reply to Lai's email really affected her quite a fair bit (i.e. caused her to be depressed for a day) though Lai understands Jiin has her welfare at her heart.

Lai wishes Jiin all the best in the new coming year and she would like to tell Jiin to relax, be more confident in herself and she can do it!

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