30 Apr 2009

Part 6

"Ouch!" Sam exclaimed in protest to the whack she received on her head.

She gazed up from her work and found the twinkling dark eyes and crooked smile of her new boss. In truth, her not-so-new boss, Alex started 6 months ago to be exact, right after George transferred to the headquarters. Somehow or another, her mind has come to refer to George as the old boss and Alex the new boss, irregardless of how long he's been working with them.

"Sam, i've noticed a rather disturbing behaviour you've exhibited today." Alex said in a serious tone.

"Eh? What is it boss?" Sam asked in puzzlement. She has never been able to call him by his first name like the rest of the office staff despite his easy-going demeanor.

At the sound of a possible reprimand, Sam's neighbouring cubicle inhabitants have all peeped over the partition for want of a better view.

"Just because you've got a date tonight that you desperately want to attend punctually doesn't mean that you can rush through your work at the expense of lunch." Alex admonished severely.

Sam glanced at her wrist watch which had the small hand pointed at 3. Time sneakily slips by when she's buried in work. Her unforgiving stomach chose at that instance to emit an ungracious grumble.

"Hehe... looks like i'm hungry." Sam smiled in embarrassment.

"Go get something to eat before you get a stomach ulcer. The work can wait, even if you have to delay it till tomorrow." Alex said gently while ruffling Sam's hair.

Sam ignored the death rays aimed at her from across the partitions. It was annoying and at most deeply frustrating to be thought of as undesirable, desperate and a failure at relationships. She could deal with it as these labels do not diminish the reputation of her capabilities and competency at carrying out her job. But being perceived to be receiving special treatment from her superiors is a line that cannot be crossed. Oe else she might become the target of the next witch hunt.

She motioned for Alex to come closer as she whispered, "Boss, you're being very nice to me, which i appreciate, but it will look like i've been given preferential treatment and it impacts on your impartial image."

"Oh i see. Thanks for pointing that out." Alex whispered back in a conspiratory tone. He stood back, cleared his throat and proclaimed in a commanding voice, "Sam! Eat something before you collapse and cost me precious man hours. I need you to finish your work before you leave tonight. To make it fair, so does everyone else!"

Alex winked at her before he walked away. A collective groan was heard as soon as Alex closed his office door. Sam froze in her seat amidst a flurry of phone calls to partners begging to postpone their long awaited valentine's dinner by a few hours.

Oh great. Very helpful that is. As if everyone is not already looking for a reason to lynch me.

Sam decided that it was probably wisest to leave temporarily, until all the murderous intents have muted down to negative sentiments. She scurried out of her office and away from the death rays that were rapidly multiplying, muttering under her breath about her luck.

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