11 May 2009

Part 8

As the doors of the lift shut, Jordan hastily removed his arm from Sam's shoulder as Sam stepped away from his side.

"I'm sorry for putting my arm around you without prior consent." Jordan apologised as he appraised the object of Liz's affection more intently.

"It's ok. I'm almost certain that it was Liz who instructed you to do that." Sam smiled knowingly.

As his first assignment under "enslavement", Jordan was appalled that his instructions included picking up Liz's date, some schmuck called Sam, pretend to be the boyfriend and act intimately in front of his colleagues, all as some sort of prank.

Jordan detests pranks, loathes false pretenses and abhors any bodily contact with beings of the same gender. He was about to buck when Liz nonchalantly reminded him," in that case, you can deal with your own catastrophe."

The image of being bound hand and feet, forced at knife point off the gang plank into a sea of sharks flashed across his mind. The annihilation of his budding career must be avoided at all costs, even if it meant acting like a homosexual. Jordan gritted his teeth and grudgingly accepted.

His relief was monumental when he discovered that this petite brunette with a distant aura yet alluring smile was his target. Scrutinising her impenetrable hazel eyes, button nose and luscious lips, he was struck by a disturbing realisation.

Liz is dating a woman.

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