14 Jul 2009


Remember how i whinge about all those nonsense cases that come into through the door of my Emergency Department?

Remember all those people who hit their finger while playing a ball game and although it's not broken or dislocated want someone to check it out? The people who arrive in the middle of the night complaining of a heavy period? The people who think their kid has appendicitis when said kid is bouncing around playing happily?

Now remember how much i detest them? How annoyed i get at being treated like a GP?

General #3 wrote to me about her many health problems from a separate continent via email. I said to her it's an inadequate history unless she answers all of my unending list of questions, thinking that it would be a major deterrent and advised her to see her GP instead.

She writes back with all the answers, which are still inadequate, to all my questions and says "but my GP is not as thorough as you are..."

Aww... Shucks... Next time i'm going to write in big bold letters "I DON'T CARE AND I DON'T WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT"

Intercontinental medical consult via email over the course of several days. Someone just shoot me.

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