2 Aug 2011

Good Samaritan?

Yesterday as i was heading towards the apartment complex my sister was bunking at, there was a black dog crossing the road towards the median strip of the tram stop.

Smart dog. Knows how to cross the road.

Who does it belong to?

As i observed it while walking towards the front steps of my destination, the dog wagged its tail at a man there. He paid it no attention. Guess it's not him.

Then the dog got excited about another lady at the tram stop, wagging its tail furiously.

I lip read her from across the noisy road "Go over there." She pointed to the safety of the grassy pedestrian sidewalk.

Rejected, the dog turned around and saw a man at the traffic light. By then, my sister and i were both at the front door, transfixed by the unfolding scene.

The dog happily trotted across the road, into the path of an oncoming car, who thankfully stopped to let it pass. Both of us held our breaths for a moment.

Not a smart dog. Totally lost without its owner.

The near miss was enough to prompt the man to gesture for the dog over to him. It promptly lay at his feet and exposed its belly for a rub, tail thumping vigorously the whole time.

Witnessing that, we both entered the apartment and i promptly forgot about the dog. That is, until my sister, the vet with the bigger heart, emerged from the bathroom after her morning routine.

"I think we should go out and check if it's still there."

"Oh alright."

The moment we opened the front door, the dog rushed up the stairs unceremoniously, tried to lick our faces as we bent to check her dog tag and invited herself into the apartment.

So while my sister was busy trying to control this hyperactive dog to prevent it from destroying the place, i served water, milk and wheatbix to the ravenous staffie, tackled her to the ground to read her dog tag and rang the council to report her case.

Several attempts later, we got a phone call from the owner. Angie the staffie lived a few streets from where we were. Apparently, she hadn't been missing long at all despite her deceiving whines in front of the fridge.

I learned a few things about my sis and I from this. My sis has a big heart, while i on the other hand, try my best to avoid being drawn into a potentially messy situation. But once i'm committed, i see it through to the end. My sis the feeler, and me the doer.

If not for my sis, who knows if Angie would've been dead by the side of the road. Can't believed she thanked me for saving the dog. Ha.

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