22 Jan 2012

Another reminder of increasing age

The new year. Another period to plunge into a regular existential crisis. Erhem. I mean, to review the past one year, to learn from one's mistakes and castigate oneself into the next century. *cough*

I mean, in hopes of improving oneself.

Resolutions? I don't make any. Stopped doing that in primary school. Why? Because i always come up with something that involves changing my personality.

Let me elucidate.

Procrastination has always been my forte. As a young student, i would aspire to be conscientious, to complete my homework and assignments ahead of schedule, and to study for tests and exams in advance. I swear in my 17 years as a student, that has never occurred. All that i managed to achieve was excellent short term memory (from countless last minute cramming sessions), questionable long term memory and a sizable amount of guilt and disappointment come the following new year.

I was 9 when the concept of  the new year resolution was first explained to me on new year's eve as my family camped in front of the tv watching the countdown fireworks. I gave up on it after 3 unsuccessful attempts.

So when i see someone my age twit something like "New year. Same goal. Renewed hope." I can't help but think that this person's IQ has plunged into the depths of the earth's core.

If one has had an entire year to realise a goal and was still unable to attain it, what are the chances that it's going to happen in the following year? 

Resolutions? I don't have any. Call me an unmotivated, directionless coward with no drive for self improvement. It's time for my free fall anyway.

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