18 Oct 2007

Babies & Me

This week is my delivery week. So far, all i've managed to catch are 2 vaginal deliveries and 1 emergency caesarean, despite doing 2 massive shifts lasting 16 hours and 20 hours respectively.

You'd think that i'd be able to catch more than that. Something about me seems to stop those ladies from progressing in labour. It's getting to a point where i'm starting to get frustrated with myself.

I mean come on!! Is there really such a thing or am i so unlucky that even when i am assigned to a lady who is multiparous (lady who has previously delivered a baby greater than 20 gestational weeks), i wait for her to deliver for 12 hours and after i leave, they find out that it's a brow presentation and send her off for emergency caesar! AARRRGGGHHH!

Frustration is an understatement.

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