21 Oct 2007

Tha... Dah... I'm Back!

Let's give a warm welcome to our dear MIA for long blogger.... LAI *huge thundering applause* Thank you thank you. *sending flying kisses in all directions*

Time really flies. I will be graduating in another 2 months. And that would officially mark an end to my tertiary life meaning, a new chapter is awaiting for me. So Lai is at the crossroad once again, thinking and pondering which path to choose. And she realises that she is no longer the brave kid anymore. Its easy to understand why. As we grow, we understand there are so much uncertainties in life and we become scared to make decisions for we are afraid of the millions "what-if". In short, she thinks too much.

On one hand, she is wondering if she should go into the more fun tourism industry which most positions usually do not pay well or if she should go into some banks. She believes the tourism one would give her happiness but at the expense of $$. If only she don't have her parents to take care of, she would be less troubled. And the reason why she is pretty reluctant to go into banking is that she have sort of shitted in her own courtyard the last vacation. So morale #1: pls think twice before you do anything for you do not want to shit in your own courtyard.

Anyway she finally thought of a solution. Go and be an SIA girl which pays quite well and get to see the world which she thinks is a form of happiness to her. Sadly, Lai got eliminated in the first round of interview along with her entire group of 9 other candidates. Can someone enlighten her what is the correct answer to the following question: use one word to describe what a good quality customer service means? Its only after the interview she realised what the answer might be. So now that she sees less hope in getting her dream job, she is busy applying to those big banks which makes her think if this is really what she wants.

Talking about banks remind her of her previous colleagues and so another question pops up in her head: does absence makes the heart fonder or out of sight our of mind? I am more of the former case. And recently a classmate of hers which she is pretty interested in due to his smartness asked her why is she so curious. Jiin any idea how to answer him? I just said that's me lor.

Oh yah just to share a funny discovery... Lai's dad actually want her to be a 女强人. No wonder people have been feeding back to me that I have a don't-you-dare-mess-with-me look.

1 comment:

jiin said...

I'd say, "It's for me to know and for you to ponder."

Your you'll-be-minced-meat-if-you-mess-with-me look must have scared off all the guys who cannot make it. Hiang hiang hiang...