30 Oct 2007

What's Your Greatest Achievement?

Have you wondered what's your greatest achievement so far? I think people either tend to associate that in some kind of monetary terms or they will just give up and say nothing. Anyhow, the following paragraphs you are going to see may cause great disturbance to some of you. Thus, please be forewarned and Lai shall not take any responsibility if you suffer from insomnia or lack of concentration due to over-thinking thereafter.

Having spent about one-quarter of my life (assuming there are no discounting factor such as accidents etc), I gave a brief second of thought on the above question. And I have found my answer! My greatest achievement was in inspiring students of mine. Ok here is something extra about me. I am a part-time tutor but please do not report me to the tax authority. If anyone of you out there is doubtful of that sense of achievement and satisfaction, I dare you to try to inspire someone and have a taste of it yourself.

I guess as we grow up, our brain shrink in size. Jiin.. correct me please. Or maybe its just that we suffer from partial blindness? amnesia? We tend to look at things at the very superficial level. As a result, we will just measure achievement in monetary terms. But what about those other minor things in life that could be of great significance? And this brings me to the following point: for some things we thought that are minor and insignificance, it could mean hell alot to the other person on the receiving end. A kind word/smile can brighten the person's day. Its just that simple. And of course vice versa. So let's all do this simple exercise every morning you wake up: practice your signature smile in the mirror! Yup you should be glad that you are still alive. I used to do this exercise for a year and you can see the perfect result on the picture of my blog now =) Ok I admit I got lazy and stop doing that for some time already.

Before getting back into work, have you managed to think about what's your greatest achievement so far? Its ok to think small. For instance, it could be as simple as I've married a great spouse. Trust me... we must all kudo, you know like bow and serve tea etc to those who managed to do that and for those who are in a relationship, you should know this better than I do. *wink*


jiin said...

Well... technically in terms of absolute mass, i think the brain stays the same. But there is definitely pruning (getting rid) of synapses that we don't use. So yeah, i guess you're right in a way.

Anonymous said...

LOL.. Luckily I remembered my O Levels Biology. Hey buddy, I think our blog is pretty educational eh. Synapses are basically small gaps between neurons for those who didn't know.

jiin said...

Is that someone's ego i see inflating like a balloon... tempting me to burst it... :D