3 Dec 2007

10 Things to Get You Through Med School

The unorthodox version:

1. Befriend your group mates. Win them over with niceties, praises, jokes, chocolates whatever.

2. Manipulate your group mates. After you have won them over, let them enjoy basking in your “good graces”. Then stop being nice to them. They will then do favours for you just to get your approval. You can then get them to do the hard work

3. Volunteer to be the leader. Delegate the jobs. Hold on to the group pager like it’s your life. Don’t update your competitors on rescheduled or cancelled tutes. Send them an email minutes before to notify them of changes and put the blame on the tutor. Pretend to be upset if they complain that they didn’t receive it in time.

4. Bitch about your group mates behind their backs. Get them to dislike and distrust each other.

5. Dress well. First impressions count for a lot in medicine. Invest in that pair of shoes that heralds your arrival before you make an entrance. Wear as little as possible to make everyone take a second look at you. Including the consultants.

6. Find out who is giving you your tutor marks and suck up to them, kiss their ass, lick their shoes, pretend to worship the ground they walk on.

7. Flirt with your tutors. Pique their interest. Get them to invite you to lunch, dinner, stay overs.

8. Don’t study for your exams. Become best mates with the staff at the clinical school (or the dean) and get them to tell you the questions.

9. Be selfish. Never ever share any notes or past year papers with anyone unless they have something you want in exchange.

10. Be discrete. Tell no one about what you are going to do or have done. Not even an illiterate deaf mute.

Try it. There is anecdotal evidence that these measures work. I got to observe it first hand. I wonder if it works in other faculties as well. Any ideas Lai?


Anonymous said...

Yah generally those things do work well for people of the same kind. And I realised those who fall for it are people who lack self confidence. So the fulfillment of those ten commandments help to massage their ego.

jiin said...

I couldn't agree with you more. There's a preponderance for people who are the sole child to develop this behaviour as well. See any chance of it happening to you? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.. I guess any normal being enjoy people kissing their ass and I am normal too. But I think I am still able to discern who's got the substance and who don't.