19 Dec 2007

$400 to See a Person's True Color

Yawn.. just woke up not long ago. Yup I can happily self-declared to be a full fledged slacker now. Hmm received a rejection email for Investment Banker (IB) job application from UBS. But it didn't feel too bad cos its sort of expected. Morale #1: Manage expectations. The only "regrettable" part is I should have insisted on going overseas to those IV League colleges years ago. Discrimination in IB industry is pretty serious I must say. Other than that, I shall continue to work hard being a SIA girl. I heard from a friend of mine that Kim Ng, a local celebrity, tried 10 times before getting selected. Woohoo!

Though my life is pretty laid back and not as exciting as Jiin, it is definitely not boring. Amazingly eh? The latest happenings: my mum almost got swindled by an ex-neighbour auntie, LEE. There are increasing cases of conmen lurking in Singapore who are out to swindle aunties' savings. Story begins a few weeks ago where my mum is supposed to go to Bangkok with a bunch of aunties including that LEE. And here's the juicy stuff... there is a guy, SUSP, who likes LEE and helps her to run errands like buying air tickets etc. Ok both LEE and SUSP are married separately and with kids. Sounds like a drama serial right?

And so LEE has been telling my mum about this SUSP fellow. We heard that SUSP is a government official who works in court and a subordinate of our PM Lee now. SUSP also has several properties and a chauffer who drives him around. But SUSP family is breaking up now as the wife only indulges in playing mahjong all day long plus there is another lady who declared her love for SUSP. SUSP has been meeting up with LEE almost everyday, even during lunch hours as he likes LEE alot. So he volunteered to help make arrangements with tour agency as he has the connections and can get cheaper deals.

3 days prior to departure weeks ago, SUSP fell ill and was hospitalised which means trip postponed. This also means they need to use that air ticket before it expires. Hence my mum decided to ask my dad and I to go along since I am taking my sabaticcal now. Thus she ask LEE to help arrange for 2 extra tickets. As the days get nearer to 20th Dec, I asked my mum more about the trip like what's the airline, what time is the flight etc. But when my mum asked LEE, LEE said she don't know as it is SUSP who has been arranging all these things. This was when I got very irritated with my mum and LEE and suspicious of SUSP.

10th Dec - when asked LEE about details of trip, she said she is not sure and told my mum that SUSP was hospitalised for whatever tumour found near his shoulder or neck and need to go for operation.

12 & 13th Dec - when asked LEE again as to whether we can get our air tickets first, she arranged to meet up with my mum at Chinatown where the agency is located. My mum went down after work to Chinatown but LEE wasn't there. When my mum called, LEE said she was still at home which got my mum freaking pissed. Then LEE started finding excuses for herself like she was waiting for my mum to call, and waiting for SUSP to call cos his daughter got hospitalised due to SUSP's wife's neglect etc... In short, I am beginning to suspect LEE too.

14th Dec - Lee was supposed to go Chinatown with SUSP to collect air tickets and hand them to us. But she called to inform my mum that tour agency said we could only collect air tickets 3 days prior to departure. LEE even suan my mum about her ignorance when my mum told her she has never heard of such rule. This is getting more and more fishy as the normal practice for tour agency is that they want the customers to pay and collect the air tickets asap.

17th Dec - when called LEE to ask her about the air tickets, her excuse was SUSP got hospitalised for some laser or whatever therapy. This was the last straw that I told my mum just forget about the whole trip and get the $400 back from LEE. And LEE got into the defensive and sacarstic mode again hurling abuses at my mum.

I'm not sure if LEE will ultimately return the $400 out from her own pocket since she said she has given the money to tour agency. But anyway, beware when someone say they are from government agency. I suspect SUSP is out to swindle LEE's money too which is yet another long story and LEE is falling happily into the trap since SUSP has been showering her with care and concern that LEE's husband has not been doing. I hope I won't become as ignorant as these aunties when I grow older. Oh yah Jiin ask your mum to beware too!


jiin said...

Don't worry, my mum doesn't have much of a social circle so no aunties to try swindle her... But man are these people annoying and difficult to deal with.

Anonymous said...

Yup and I don't think I have any legal recourse. Or rather the recourse is pretty expensive. I have just confirmed another suspicious point and that it a person is not allowed to work in both the judiciary system and in the prime minister office which SUSP claims he work in. Bugger! And LEE just happily avoided all my mum's call and refuses to pay up.

jiin said...

Sekali LEE and SUSP are working together to con people. Be prepared not to see your $400 again.