23 Dec 2007

Justice does exists

Here's some updates about the conman story. Refer to earlier post on $400 to see a person's true color if you're lost.

Anyhow, my dear mum went to make a polic report on friday night despite hearing from many that its not going to help as we don't have anything in black and white. Upon hearing a brief description of our case, the police officer had a bit of difficulty as to which category to classify our case. There are basically 2 categories, it will either be a breach of trust scenario or its a deceiving case. The policeman told us that if we were to lodge the report under the deceiving case, the defendant will be arrested for investigation. Ahah... yep you smart people have guessed it, without second thought, I told to police that we wish to pursue the matter and please lodge it as a deceiving case. Like I care if LEE will be arrested and better still if she is arrested for interrogation.

After a gruelling hour of story-telling to the policeman, he finally managed to type the case out for us to sign. The whole process could have been shortened if not for the short-handedness of the police post. Nonetheless, it was pretty interesting to witness/hear some of the cases which the police are handling. Of one funny scenario was that a guy called up the policeman to ask the whereabout of his "boy", which the policeman of course seek verification as to who the "boy" was. It appears to be some drunkard who cannot even get out of a taxi and pay money and was sent to the police post by the taxi driver. Then somehow the police have instructed the driver to send this boy to a certain destination where his friends were waiting but the driver dropped the boy at somewhere else as the drunkard got conscious halfyway through and gave some other instructions. LOL.

Back to our little $400 episode, we went home after making the police report which was close to 12am. The next thing we know, LEE called my mum's mobile at 1am! Amazingly, for the first time in don't know how long she initiated the call. She demanded my mum to go down to the police post immediately as she will return the $400 straight on the spot with the policeman as witness. And I can hear from the background that the policeman was telling her not to do that as he does not wish to see her handing the money back to us in front of him. The reason being police's duty is not meant to be loanshark so I guess the policeman is trying to avoid any complications. In anyway, I do not seriously believe she has the money on the spot though she claims she does. So I told her I would wake my mum up and see what she wants. LEE called again but my mum just told her to return money tomorrow as we need to sleep and hang up the phone on LEE which LEE once again hurl some abuses at my mum as she felt insanely mad at the action which we have taken.

At 2am, there was loud banging on my poor wooden door with LEE demanding that we open the door. So I opened and saw LEE accompanied by another fierce looking woman. LEE flashes her wallet and made a sacarstic remark at how rich she is and how could it be she has no money to pay us. I was intimidated by LEE's killer-glare and after counting the money, handed her my mum's signature on a piece of paper for her to return to the policeman as a form of evidence that she has returned the money.

What an exciting development of the story. I've never expected the police force to be so efficient to "invite" the alleged LEE back to the police post immediately following our lodged report. The $400 came back to us, the rightful owner, ultimately and for the first time, I felt there is justice in the world. Hahaha... Sometimes I just don't understand why these people have to wait till the police knocks on their door before taking the right action. *shake my head* It was rather amusing to see the way LEE behaves too. The way she knocks on our door makes it appears that we are the one owing her money. What a ridiculous woman!


jiin said...

Wah... Damn gengz sia! Lucky you!

Anonymous said...

Yah I think so too. Really lucky to get back the money. But evil Lai is hoping LEE to be conned until all her money.