29 Dec 2007

"My Pants Are Falling"

Everyone who has scrubbed for procedures would have experienced the need to ask the nurse to help put on a set of protective goggles, adjust the mask so it doesn't irritate the eyes or take their mobile out of their pockets to answer that call.

A friend of mine was fortunate enough to be scubbed and ready to gown before he realised that his pants were below his anterior superior iliac spine (the part of the hip that juts out in skinny anorexic girls) and racing for his knees. He clamped his legs together in the hope that his rogue pants wouldn't drop any lower and said to the scout nurse, "Sister, my pants are falling."

LMAO. Thankfully for him all the nurses were matronly and had a good sense of humour. Imagine if it was a young attractive nubile nurse instead... he wouldn't be able to show his face in theatre again.

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