2 Mar 2008

Am i doomed to never escape this?

So i was diligently reading up on anorexia for our weekly PBL when i came across a section on sleep disorders.

The Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry has a label for people like me. I quote:

"Insufficient Sleep Syndrome - Persistently failing to obtain sufficient nocturnal sleep required to support normally alert wakefulness.

Prevalence - unknown, but thought to be common in the general population, particularly amongst parents of young children, doctors, students, long-distance lorry drivers, and other occupations where "unsociable" long hours of work are common place.

Clinical features - Periods of excessive sleepiness concentrated in the afternoon and early evening. Rest days usually characterised by late rising from bed and frequent naps. Associated reduced productivity, difficulty in concentration and attention, low mood or irritability, and somatic symptoms."

Well what do you know.... now when i do poorly in my exams i can say, "Sir, i suffer from the Insufficient Sleep Syndrome, therefore i should be given special consideration."

It seems that this has plagued me for the majority of my life since i entered high school. Even more unfortunately, it doesn't seem like i'll be able to relinquish this label unless i jump ship and break my parent's heart while at it.

Just like Ned Kelly's last words, "Such is life."

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