1 Mar 2008

It's Done! My Jewellery Tree

Please say hello to my pride and joy, Jewellery Tree Version 2. Newly completed this evening with the advice of my sister.

I adore it to bits. Probably because i made it from scratch and spent 12 hours putting it together. 6 hours of sore fingers from twisting the memory wire. A pity that i do not own any earrings etc, or i could demonstrate what it would look like in it's full glory. Perhaps i could borrow my cousin's jewellery tomorrow.

Base 15.5cm diameter. Height 31cm. Foliage 35cm at the widest.

My sister has turned it down because she's afraid she'll turn out to be a hoarder just like the lady with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder on Oprah. Also, her room is in such a mess she hasn't got a place to put it.

So i guess it's up for sale. Anyone interested?

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