26 Jun 2008

Prelude to Episode 7

Although I have totally no idea what is going to happen on Episode 7 or maybe there won't even be any Episode 7, this shall serve as a prelude to Episode 7...

2 fine days ago, a mini visit to front office to find Tadashi to do a little catch up and sharing of Batam cable ski photos awoken up the inner voice within me. The message is simple: time to wrap things up. Its just a sudden realization that dawn upon me... now I can sympathise better with those who hear callings from God/divine force to serve him.

Let this be a bitter sweet happy 23rd birthday present! Those romantic times spent unknowingly at Mt Faber and on our dates. And once again, fate did not act in my favour. He began to get very busy with work and other activities while the opposite applies for me. Soon, I grew greedy and wanted more of him. Then just to realize perhaps I have over-reacted to some "signals" and maybe its just me daydreaming away. Or maybe something is really budding between us but only to be inhibited by work, and more work and work! This of course is very sad... Oh well, there is nothing much I can do since its good that he is working hard for his career. Its just hard to fight against time.

Hence its time for me to wrap things up. Wouldn't really call it a summer fling cos there wasn't any intention to just have a fling. Didn't know what to call this whole serial so shall just name it my 23rd birthday memory. Good for me is that I've been so much more positive after sorting out my thoughts and making a conscious effort to pack up my feelings. Life feels driven again to earn more money (yeah I know its bad to keep turning to making money), learn more things and make more friends. Now even thinking of working hard for my career which is to get out of middle office and move to front.

Perhaps Episode 7 will be none... Perhaps Episode 7 will be a mini belated birthday celebration with a bouquet of sunflowers... Perhaps Episode 7 will be a goodbye kiss and farewell hug... Perhaps Episode 7 will be an October getaway to a faraway land...

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps...

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