9 Aug 2008

Give me a break!

I was watching the Olympic procession yesterday and realised that it was nothing more than a show of population size, political stability and wealth. Naturally, only those countries that possess these can afford to send a sizable contingent to the games.

Afghanistan's representatives numbered a handful. Why? Cause everyone is too busy trying to survive and fight the Americans.

Fairness? There is no such thing as fairness. Numerous drug tests are not going to ensure that. Judges are implicitly biased anyway.

In the end in certain sports where medals depend on the scores given by judges, and the competitors are evenly matched, it becomes a demonstration of the weaker nations trying to curry favour the super powers.

So to the Australians who complain about how easy it is to get access to anabolic steroids in China, either you go there and do something about it, or go train in China and use those drugs. Otherwise they should just shut up. Haven't they learnt that life is unfair and they should quit complaining?

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