11 Aug 2008

Can't think of a title today...

It's funny how one could start the day happy and finish the day annoyed. What's more amazing is how quickly my mood can turn sour within a span of seconds. Am i allowed to blame it on hormones?

See how i'm trying to deny any responsibility on my part for this phenomenon.

I visited the Guide Dogs Australia website and one of their stringent criteria is that the foster carer must not be separated from the puppy for more than 3 hrs a day. My goodness, not even in their sleep?!

Well, that certainly rules me out. I'm looking for alternatives to that. But still undecided about whether to put that commitment into taking care of a pet. I dislike people who don't give their dogs / cat sufficient attention and training, so i definitely don't want to end up like one.

One of my long lost best friends once said to me when i had a particular commitment issue, "If you are still undecided and unsure about it, it just means that you are not passionate enough about it to be committed." With that in mine, i think i shall leave my fantasy of owning a pet next year a fantasy.

It is kinda hard to completely dispell the thought though. Just thinking of being there alone, without MOAO, not remotely close to the city and other friends like liyong... Sigh. Gets kinda depressing.

And so... all the more reason for me to take the initiative to start up a club. Maybe a Mah Jong Club! Hahahaha... and we can play for free coffee instead of money. :D

Interesting eh?

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