1 Sept 2008

New Goal

Not sure what got into my head.. but the 30.8% body fat diagnosis by a personal trainer spurred me on to sign up for a PT package which cost about $2k! Sometimes under the confidence face is just an inferior me I think. Anyway good thing is I've got a credit card to split the payment. Scary thing about that plastic card is that it seduce you into signing alot of bills unknowingly... Now I can truly understand that when the newspaper report 90% of bankruptcy in Singapore is due to credit card, it is not an overstatement.

Yup, so step one to a healthy and skinnier me is a healthy breakfast - 3 tablespoons of oat. And break up my meals into smaller portion and increase the frequency. Will keep you guys updated when my PT shares more. Oh yah.. the Tim Tam supply should be more than sufficient since I am embarking on this new goal. Worst still, mummy bought back more Tim Tam that day when it was on offer. Shall resist the evil temptation. Also hoping that this fat reduction/weight loss program will help keep my acne away. I want my flawless complexion back!

Some other updates... 2 lessons left for my Jap course. Getting the hang of reading the Jap character though I still have a tendency to speak Thai when reading the numbers in class. LOL. Yet another colleague of mine left the company and my manager is leaving soon too. In my 6 mths of working, that's 5 people leaving although 1 will be coming back soon. What does it say about my job/company/team? I 've really no idea. *shrug*

Hope you are feeling better, Jiin... I'm really bored on my side. Feeling lost and empty and lonely again... Wish you are here...

1 comment:

jiin said...

Wish YOU were here. You know why u don't see me online these days? Coz my bloody useless ward rounds start at 7am. I hit the sack by 8pm SG time or else i can't drag my ass up to front up for face time in the morning. Lai... i feel bored and tired too.