16 Oct 2008

Frustration is...

1. Having an overly-sensitive, big ego, defensive and a suck-up colleague. Jiin, you know me right? I really have the urge to pull out that shiny needle *shinng* and poke the ego. I also feel like wrapping my fingers around her delicate neck and shake her like a ragged doll. Here's the reason why... dear colleague can tell me the pnl of a certain trade looks very wierd, yet when she check the confirmation against the system, she can miss-checked the index totally. Had she given the green lights to the trade instead of me, the 2nd checker, the pnl impact would be worth 700k. So the nice me told her softly to be more careful when checking next time. Defensive her murmured that this error can be missed out quite easily. *roll my eyes* Duh! Shouldn't you be more careful since you know it can be missed out quite easily? On the verge of puking blood, I lamented to another colleague who used to be interim in-charge of my team, lets call her W. The overly-sensitive her confronted me on our internal msn system as to why I went to W to backstab her. She even claimed that W told her that I told W of the big mistake she made, which W told me she didn't even talk to my colleague. It's such a primary school kid stunt right? If escalation of huge error made is called backstabbing, she probably has to custom make a top quality armour to protect her back. All she know is swooning over a new korean male team lead and saying yes to everything he says even though some of his words/suggestions don't really make sense. *rolling eyes is no longer enough... think I need to flip them too*

2. Having a yes-boss boss. Is there any boot-licking101 or ass-licking101 course available? This new boss of mine says yes to almost everything his boss says. Who gets the shit job? The team = us. I don't know why but was just infuriated when he asked me to send email to a team in London, headed by a dickhead, cc'ing his boss to show that we are doing our job in Singapore. For what fish? So the brave me rebutted my boss and ultimately refusing to send the email to the dickhead who loves to stick his ass into other people's courtyard when he always leave his own shit lying around in his own courtyard in the first place.

Oh well.. got to learn to suck it up and learn the art of taichi. Yeah my new boss and boss' boss are masters at taichi.


jiin said...

Taichi... Hahaha... Push here push there...

It sure is an art man. We call it turfing.

You should consider jumping ship whenever the opportunity arises man. But unfortunately sing is in recession already.

Are u coming over at the end of the year? AUD $1 to SGD $0.95 now! Cheap!

Anonymous said...

Cheap is no good for me cos got some investment denominated in kiwi dollars. LOL. But cheap in terms of exchange rate but not air tickets leh. Hey, when is your holiday? I am planning a trip to Cambodia in Jan next year. Btw, got relative wedding so can't go at the end of the year =(

jiin said...

My hols start around 23 Nov and i will start work 5th Jan next year. So it's a decent break. Not looking forward to the move up to Shepparton. All my tonnes of junk! Argh!!!