11 Oct 2008

Radio Silence

Q: Why no updates recently Jiin?

A: Because i've been drained by Gen Surg and then sent packing to Bendigo. A place where i don't get internet connection despite being in a 1st world country where the government is currently in the process of rolling out broadband Australia wide.

Q: So what have you been up to lately?

A: Do you really want to know? Coz this will end up as a post on complaints.

Q: How are your exam preparations coming along?

A: Exam? What exam? Don't we all just graduate at the end of the year?

Q: What are you doing after you graduate?

A: Initially was planning to go NZ to do stuff like sky diving, white water rafting, bungee jumping, hiking etc. But it seems to be falling through due to difficulties in coordinating our schedules.

Q: Wow. Why all these risky activities? Do you have a death wish?

A: You betcha. Was planning on accidentally killing myself before i start work. Now it looks like i have to revert to my carbon monoxide plan.

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