11 Nov 2008


When we moved to Melbourne 7 years ago, i literally halved the amount of my belongings because General #3 was moving to Hong Kong and we were going to rent out our home in Singapore.

As you can imagine, most of the mementos from my childhood all the way to my high school years were gone. Slowly over the years each time i went back to Singapore, i'd get rid of more stuff. All that is left now is one box in Singapore and another box in Hong Kong. I have learnt to harden my heart and give things away.

I threw away a pink plastic toy briefcase with chipped corners that i kept ever since i was 2. According to General #3 it was the only toy i ever requested for. If i could do that, i don't think i would be classified as sentimental.

I'm not even attending my own Graduation Party.

But recently, i realised that i am still in possession of 2 pieces of clothing that came into existence before i did. One of which is a red jacket that was originally General #3+'s in his younger days (i can't for the life of me imagine how he could've fit into that) which he then gave to General #3 who then gave it to me.

So how's that for incongruence?

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