12 Apr 2009

Glorious holiday!

I am revelling in my 10 day break from work. No it's not annual leave. It's vigorous shift swapping with my lovely colleagues that enabled me to get a 10 day break. Yippie!

I enjoy waking up in the late afternoon.

I enjoy taking my own sweet time to eat breakfast.

I enjoy strolling hand in hand with MOAO down to the city.

I enjoy catching up with my friends and bitching about work.

I enjoy watching movie marathons late into the night.

I enjoy the sumptous korean food.

MOAO and i discovered a new korean restaurant with good food that is reasonably priced. Looks like we'll be frequenting there from now on. Especially since it's so close to us in proximity. I will take photos when we go next.

I am enjoying myself so much that i dread the arrival of friday.

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