4 Apr 2009

Part 3

She pretended not to have noticed the little blob of a head from the periphery of her visual field and continued sorting material into the different trays on her desk in the vain hopes that the little blob was just a figment of her imagination.

"Hi Sam, your jacket makes you look really slim today." A lilting voice floated into her ears.

Tremendously observant you are, but the same jacket for the whole week i have been wearing.

Sam lifted her head slowly and plastered her special smile, mastered in 2 months at a customer service help desk, onto her face and graciously returned the compliment, milking all the brownie points she could possibly get, "You're looking exceptionally radiant today Mia."

"Oh my, can you tell. My fiance sent me a bouquet of 99 roses. Isn't he sweet. It smells so good. It's meant to signify his everlasting love for me." Mia gushed and whipped out the ostentatiously gigantic bouquet which obscured her entire face from view.

Yes, 99 roses for the next 99 hours in hopes that you'll finally agree to have sex with him.

Without pausing, she went on holding a conversation with herself in her lilting voice just loud enough for everyone within a 10 metre radius to hear, "Did you received anything this morning? Nothing so far, what a shame. Oh dear. You're not still recovering from the time George dumped you, are you?"

By then, half of the beings from Venus had converged at Sam's desk shooting her sympathising looks and all the remaining sentient beings were tuning in to the running commentary of the aftermath of her disastrous love life.

Just broadcast it on the radio why don't you.

George, her long time ex broke up with her over 2 lines via email and physically removed himself by transferring out of their branch to the headquarters. She winced psychologically from the memory.

So the battle begins.

Sam opened her mouth and began forming syllables to her defence but was interrupted by a delivery of 3 black roses "to the loveliest lady in this office, Sam". She looked at it in puzzlement and gazed with disbelief at the accompanying Valentine's Day card.

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