23 Apr 2009

Part 5

Part 1 - 4 here

The name of a devil disguised as her best friend flashed on the screen of her phone. Sam picked it up, acutely aware that everyone was listening in on the conversation.

"Hello" Sam answered softly with a hand over the mouth piece.

"Hi beautiful, what are you wearing today?" Liz drawled on the other side of the phone in her husky voice.

"Why are you calling me and why do you need to know what i'm wearing?" Sam shot back, her suspicions rising.

"Do i really need a reason to call my best friend? Just humour me will you, i'm curious about your outfit." Liz replied innocently.

"Ok. Navy blue top, black pleated skirt and a white jacket."

"Tsk tsk... Can't you wear something nicer for dinner tonight? You know accessorize a little?" Liz clucked like a disapproving mother.

"So you're the one who sent me the flowers!" Sam exclaimed in disbelief. Sudden realisation made her feel like an accomplice in the game of make-believe-boyfriend. Sam could see Mia and her colleagues visibly prick up their ears, hushed whispers and knowing looks circulating.

"Aren't i sweet? I bet everyone has been interrogating you about it." Liz chuckled heartily. "Anyway, i'm sending my minion to pick you up for dinner."

"You don't have to do that. It's too much trouble to pick me up. I can make my own way there." Sam declined the offer.

"Chill, it's all part of the service. Enjoy it while it lasts. I've gotta go now." Liz abruptly ended the conversation.

That's just like her. Boy does she have lots of answering to do tonight! Causing me all this grief.

Sam plonked herself back onto her swivel chair unceremoniously and was immediately bombarded by a string of questions and comments from the fickle mob, to which she only smiled in reply. Let them make their own conclusions, she is neither going to refute nor confirm any rumours. In a way, that saves her from lying.

Having assuaged her conscience, she assessed the amount of work awaiting her and plunged ferociously into it, whittling her tasks away speedily in eager anticipation of leaving work on time for a girl's night out.

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