9 Dec 2009

Japan Japan #2

As promised, here's how Kiyomizu dera temple looks at night. But this is only available for one month starting mid Nov to mid Dec. The queue is mortifyingly long if you visit the temple on a public holiday. Hence I just take photos from the outside which is equally pretty enough.

Worth mentioning is the colossal amount of neon lights in Japan cities. They are just everywhere. I wonder what's the amount of power consumption for the nation for these neon lights. Doubt Singapore will ever have these. Here's where I stay in Osaka, Dotonburi and I would strongly recommend it to everyone. Its located in Namba which is like the downtown. You name it, you got it. Be it intersection point of 3 subway lines and lanes and lanes of shopping streets, there is plenty of food!

Tokyo - the capital of Japan. Nothing fantastic here. Perhaps a more majestic view of skyscrappers and tonnes of shopping again. Mainly high-end shopping with the common international brands like Zara, Chanel etc. Oh! But I fairly enjoy Japan's Uniquo. Its like the Giordano in Singapore but with better quality and price I feel. Below are some pictures of the oldest temple in Tokyo, Sensoji Temple located in Asakusa. The huge red lantern is quite fascinating.

Prelude to the next blog... yummy yummy food in Japan....


jiin said...

Did you really take that picture of Kiyomizu dera? It's so beautiful! The flaming trees...

Anonymous said...

yes... anyway its so pretty that anyone with a night mode for camera can take a pretty photo. mine is a bit blur actually. but you know if use flash, it will be too harsh.