5 Nov 2010


As i was saying my goodbyes to all the good people on the orthopaedic ward, i stumbled upon bits of 3rd hand information about a few of the patients i've dealt with during my respiratory term.

A 16 year old CF kid passed away last week and another is comatose secondary to respiratory failure. Both of them were/are beautiful children with awesome personalities.

From warm, breathing, talking, smiling, dancing, surfing the net, fussing over homework, socialising to pale, cold, never to open their eyes, never to respond, never to experience graduations, proms, falling in love, getting married or having children. The brilliance of life rapidly and abruptly snuffed in a flash and at such tender ages.

It was hard to reconcile the fact that one week i was bumping into them around the hospital and the next week they were 6 feet under or on their way out.

Rationally, it's always been known that people with CF have shortened life expectancies, but with the advancement of medical treatment, most are able to live into adulthood. The news about the death and another impending demise is a rude awakening to the fragility of life.

As an insightful singer put into words and song:

If someone said three years from now you'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out because they're all wrong
I know better 'cause you said forever and ever
Who knew
When someone said count your blessings now before they're long gone
I guess i didn't know how i was all wrong
They knew better, still you said forever and ever
Who knew
MH and SB, this is for you.

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