3 Mar 2011


So... many new things happened to me this year. In no particular order:

1. New job... now a resident with 2 minions to boss around! I'm finally no longer at the bottom of the food chain.

2. New hobby... translating manga/novels for OSS.

3. New systems to hate: PICC lines for children forbidden in Land Of Setting Sun Hospital (hereby referred to as LOSS). Hospital in the home forbidden for children.

4. New demographic of patients... fatter, older, stupider, fouler but thank god i don't have to coddle them anymore!

5. New skill... smiling at people who are screaming at me.
Smiling condescendingly? Yes.
Wryly? Yes!
Infuriatingly? YES!!!
That's the whole point to begin with. The more i smile the angrier they get :D

6. New hate... physicians. In particular, geriatricians.

7. New routine... yet to be properly established: going to the gym.

8. New found disgust... fat women with abdomens dangling down to their knees and their bad odour from their inability to clean in between their skin folds.

9. New dislike... unaccredited registrars who don't have enough knowledge/cahones to make decisions.

10. New shoes... 2 inch work heels. I'm now part of the clickety-clackety tribe who announces their presence via sound before being sighted. Makes me look, feel and sound important.


Lai said...

omg.. really? abt the folding layers of skin and BO?

jiin said...

No kidding. I'm serious. I could smell her from the corridor. And this was in a huge 4 bedroom room. First time i met her i thought she was doing her business on a pan on the bed. But no... it was just her.