10 Apr 2011

Lai's minor things in Apr2011

  1. Rekindled passion for thai music/culture. Started with back up coverage for colleague which increased my interaction with thai folks. And.. yippie found a new thai song by Potato. It is VERY nice. The song title is called "ter yang" which translate to "do you still". Try searching for "ter yang" on youtube. Love the melody and the lyrics as well.

  2. Excellent clubbing in KL. This place called Rootz. The last time I partied till 3-4am was 2 years ago during my birthday. Great DJ and music for the night. Not forgetting my new found drinking pals in KL. hahah. Also, saw 2 ang moh ladies who look like models... super hot bod. Thought they were in their late 20s and guess what? Was subsequently being told they are only 17!

  3. First time attending live F1 race! Pleasantly surprised that my repulsion level for live F1 is not that high afterall. Yes, the weather was humid and sound can be unbearable after a while. However, it is fairly adrenaline pumping! Esp when you sit opposite the pit stop. Cool :)

  4. In the process of healing a minor heartache caused by Mr L. Have gotten back my books and about to donate away the scarf he gave. Guess what? I met him at the F1. Big surprise I must say. Once again, it just reminds me of the lack of communication between us and the drifting away. Reason given: he is very busy with work. I just see that as an excuse unfortunately.

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