4 Jun 2011

Traipse across Melbourne

Who would've thought that a good 8 months after the visit, i'd be so inclined to post some pictures.

Well the reasons for the delay were many...

Firstly, these weren't taken on my almost obsolete camera... (can you tell the difference? the clarity? the colour? Oh! the wonders...)

Secondly, there was a total of almost 10GB worth of pictures...

Thirdly, they had to be sent via snail mail from Singapore...

and the list goes on and on to demonstrate how i am a master of procrastination...

So this was Lai's visit to Melbourne in 2010. No visit to Melbourne is complete without visiting the Royal Exhibition Building in Carlton Gardens.

It has alot of significance to me and MOAO. We used to be regular visitors when we first started dating. In addition, this World Heritage Site was the place where we had to endure nail biting, gut churning, wrist wringing exams every 6 months of our university lives. Ahh... the good old times...

The contemporary architecture of the IMAX building is always a pleasant sight to behold. Instead of hosting students, it has long dead carcasses instead. The stuffed and embalmed kind.

Who could live with themselves if they didn't try Freddo's ice cream while in the vicinity? After 2 years worth of pining and salivating, Lai finally got her second taste of Roche... which was ultimately, too much for her. My gluttony only seemed to be amplified by her declaration that the serving was too huge.

You've probably realised by now that we only visited places that didn't require an admission fee. Well, technically, you have to pay to enter IMAX but we just admired the place from a distance. My good old asian cheapskate genes coming to the forefront.

Ever since i discovered that cathedrals were open to the public, *cough* donation *cough*, i just had to visit again. St Paul's cathedral was majestic and to have been built along the main street in the CBD back in the dark ages signified that there were filthy rich to begin with.

St Patrick's had the more beautiful stained glass windows. I counted at least 4 different shades of blue! Oh you know me and my fascination with blue.

Of course traipsing across Melbourne on foot was calorie consuming. We chomped away at Kenzan, which Lai touted as "the best sushi" she's ever had. Soft shell crab maki~~~

As it was a post night shift, i couldn't have lasted the day without some coffee to keep me awake. Coffee and cake at Laurent Hill. Although the coffee was mediocre, the cakes were to die for. French patisserie comparable to the Westin Hotel Tokyo standards. What more can a girl ask for?

A vital part of the underground art scene, these unique, detailed and sometimes somewhat grotesque "grafiti" transforms an otherwise grey and lifeless alley into a spunky place. Of course, there are more photos, much better scenery and funny poses. But for today, i'm at the end of my limit, being the morning after another night shift. It's time to search for more coffee.

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