26 Apr 2011

Easter Break

Good fortune has smiled upon us, probably because the last road trip MOAO and i embarked on to the Otways was during the miserable wet and windy winter, the high powers have blessed us with 3 full days of sunshine.

We travelled in our trusty fuel efficient mitsubishi lancer with a 1.6L engine and maximum uphill speed of 80km to Lakes Entrance on a beautiful saturday.

What troubles in the world could withstand the onslaught of a cool sea breeze, the sound of lapping waves and the sun beaming down with gusto? The multiple shades of blue upon endless blue. Even the retreating waves on the shoreline reflect the unbroken blue of the heavens above.

We visited the Buchan caves. Of course my almost obsolete camera can't do enough justice to the caves hence i shall not blaspheme against them by posting sub standard pictures.

The reserve was a study of autumn colours in itself. Flaming red tress interspersed across the grounds, scattering some of their brilliant red with each gust of the wind.

While golden brown maple leaves blanketed the floor with their overwhelming desire for attention. A mountain pile of projectiles for scurrying children.

On our last day we trekked to the Den of Nargun, a cave where a mythical part rock part man resided, abducting innocent aboriginal children playing by the pool and reflecting all spears shot at him.

We speculated that he might've been a cannibalistic paedophile skilled with spears and costume make up. Or perhaps back in the days when the flow of water was greater, some kiddies slipped, fell, drowned and had their bodies washed downstream, never to be found.

Lastly, Mitchell River with clear cool enticing waters. Ah... if only it wasn't autumn.

And so our easter break has come to an end and i'm cringing at the thought of returning to the aftermath of a long weekend where booze and drugs were undoubtedly a large feature of the majority of the australian population.

Alcohol = falls/accidents = broken bones = work for me. Yippie.

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