20 Feb 2012

Keeping optimism alive

The advantages of getting injured during Chinese New Year (assuming that you're in a country that celebrates it).

1. You are guaranteed an ang bao.
If you're young, you'll probably get an extra large ang bao. If you're old yet unmarried and on the verge of no longer qualifying for an ang bao like yours truly, you get guaranteed one.

2. You can excuse yourself from any preparations.
This includes the spring cleaning, shopping, preparations for the reunion dinner and cleaning up afterwards.

3. You can excuse yourself from visiting any unsavoury relatives.
Don't like that uncle who has bad breath and asks for money every time the relatives get together?
"I can't go... my leg hurts."

4. You can guilt trip your parents into buying you anything you want.

5. All the tastiest morsels of food will probably end up on your plate.

6. You can order your siblings around like servants.
"I can't get up... get me some water!"

7. People will let you win at Mah Jong out of sympathy.

8. You get to sleep in late because you are "recuperating".

Well, i can't think of any others but feel free to add to the list. 8 is a prosperous number anyway!

1 comment:

June said...

Sounds like a legit list :p JEANNIE DID U GET INJURED??? OHNOES