23 Nov 2007


In light of the upcoming federal elections and the Australian Idol finals, I wanted to jump onto the bandwagon and hold a poll as well. You know, medical students being so kiasu (hokkien dialect for being "afraid to lose out") and all, i just must conduct my own poll.

So here it is! A new feature from blogger. So all of you reading this must vote ok?!

On my prediction of the polling results for the 2 contests this weekend. I think Labor is going to win.

Why? Erm... i'm not qualified to be an analyst on politics but i think it's because:

1. Rudd looks younger and more pleasant to the eye than Howard... and everyone knows that the person with the better looks applying for the job always gets it.

2. Howards is not going to live as long as Rudd. Therefore, he really can't be bothered as much about global warming and environmentalism because he will be pushing up poppies when disaster strikes.

3. Every single poll result has been in favour of Labor. Unless they've been polling a biased population or the voters have been coerced into giving the thumbs up to Labor or the voters want to give Howard a really good last minute surprise, i don't think the actual results will be that different.

As for the Australian Idol, the boy with the church backing is going to win. That's the way religious affiliations work in favour of things like these. He might be a good singer and win his supporters without the help of his church, but there is no way we can determine that. I kinda feel sorry for him because of that.

Alrighty... so my burning question is: What do you think of med students?

Do you think that they are antisocial nerds who bond better with their books than with other people?

Or are they egoistical bastards who think that MD stands for mini-deity?

Perhaps, that they were stupid for signing up for 6 years of endless studying, scut work and torture?

Maybe medical students are just selfish. They are so competitive that if they have notes they won't share it with their friends. And their wish to "help others", which they sprout at the admissions interview, is just a lie or according to some psychodynamic theory, a selfish expression of a need to ease their inner guilt, whatever that may be.

*Wow. I like how i sound almost believable when i said those nonsense about the psychodynamic thingie. Snigger*

Time to ease my own guilt for wasting time blogging. Jiin over and out.


Unknown said...

Though the church background dude will probably win for this year's idol, I wish it would be the lady instead. And yes, Rudd will probably win with his earwax-eating habits and fluent mandarin. :)

jiin said...

Seems like we're both right about the results of the federal elections! If we get the Aus Idol results right too, we just might have an ability to predict the future!!! XD

jiin said...

li yong, seems like our crystal balls only work 50% of the time...