21 Mar 2008

A lawyer that went speechless

I was reading a newspaper report and the whole issue just makes me doubt our education system. Its really a mockery at the quality of lawyers we are churning out. Of course this is not limited to lawyers but other professions too...

A little background to the case involved. This man, Lee, knocked down an old lady at abt 6am and drove off from the spot without offering any help. To make things worse, he was driving under the influence of alcohol and his license had just been revoked for 2 mths due to drink driving. What as ass right? I can't think of a stronger word to describe him. This asshole was sentenced to 1 yr in jail but he decided to appeal.

Here comes the amusing part about the lawyer, MRZQ, who represent Lee. In his concluding statement about the case, the chief judge actually reprimanded MRZQ, saying that he had screwed up the case! In addition, MRZQ was even reminded by the chief judge not to conclude in this manner as he had painted a worse picture than it initially was.
*shake my head, feeling ashamed about our education system and despising those lawyer undergrads who had stuck up their nose so high in the sky*

Some of the highlights as mentioned in the news report...

MRZQ: Lee did not stay behind at the accident scene for fear that he could be whacked by passer-bys if he had gotten out of his car. Hence, its inevitable that he left the scene.

Judge: That's just "imagination". Lee is simply finding excuse for himself.

MRZQ: Lee felt remorseful and turned himself in after 28 hrs.

Judge: This is not a "virtue". Lee knew that the police was after him.

MRZQ: Lee did not turn himself in earlier because the time was too early and he was afraid he could not find anyone in the police station to handle his case.
*you wonder did he left his brain at home*

Judge: All Lee has to do is to turn himself in at the police station saying that he had knocked someone down, and alot of police officers will help him to take down his statement.

Judge: Lee knocked and drove away. Had his car plate not found at the scene, the police might not be able to solve the case.

MRZQ: There is a ERP (electronic road pricing) gantry near the scene and the relevant authorities could have checked the gantry's record.

Judge: At 6+ am, is the gantry operating?

MRZQ: .....

This is just amusing. Sometimes you'll wonder how on earth did people like MRZQ graduate with a prestigious degree in law. Of course the parents of Lee were very pissed off with MRZQ and Lee's mum even questioned where's the justice.
*I just feel like slapping the mum man... but oh well... from the irresponsible behaviour of the son, we can deduce that the mum is not much better too*

A funny comment made by one lady belong to Lee's contingent of relatives etc: there's alot of others hit-and-run case too what.
*I'm sure she will be making that statement when its her kin who got killed in a hit-and-run case, roll my eyes*


jiin said...

Hehehe... thank god the Judge is reliable. I MRZQ must have silently wanted Lee to lose the appeal, so he put on a bad performance to guarantee it. We should applaud him for his civic mindedness :D

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... that's cool. Another way to look at the situation. But I think you would not think that way when you see his photograph on the newspaper. A half-balding aging man who don't look zai enough.

jiin said...

LOL... alll the more reason for him to take the case just for the money! Man we're damn bad.