15 Mar 2008

OMG... You cannot believe this!

Yes.. I was exclaiming OMG in a damn bitchy way hours ago and till now still doing it while blogging. Jiin, you cannot believe this man... My heart is just over the moon and perhaps beyond I must say. Maybe my heart has just passed by Pluto...

Lai here was having a crush on one of the traders, MC, in her company. The only eligible one if I am not mistaken. The hallucination started when MC sounded 90% like one of my ex-fling in exclaiming "wah lau eh". Ok.. I know its kinda dumb. Anyway, the most incredible thing happened today at work.

While calling MC to verify some matter, I've overheard the music he was playing in his car I supposed. And guess what?? It's Thai songs!!! Yup, I have a weak spot for things related to Thai. You know how amazing it is to find a non-Thai Singaporean listening to Thai music? It's almost equivalent to striking 4-D (a kind of lottery in Singapore).

So being the crazy fanatic for Thai stuff, I've actually poked my nose and asked him something totally unrelated to work (i.e. are you listening to Thai songs?) Yeah.. I know that I sound like a crazy bitch. And when the answer is yes.. I was leaping over the moon and quickly pledged my allegiance saying I am a big fan of Thai stuff, esp songs and I know how to speak Thai. I almost melted when he actually ask me is that for real in Thai!!! Soon I melted when he spoke in Thai asking me why I know how to speak Thai... And he was chuckling while hearing me being so excited and high and exclaiming he is so cool, which are sincere words from the bottom of my heart. I now declared that I am having a serious crush for him. *meltz away*

Jiin, pray for me that he is a good guy and something positive will come out of this. Keke.. and to all those who chance upon this.. pray for me too! Prayers are welcome in any language and god =)


jiin said...

wah... are u lucky or are u lucky? A Thai speaking Singaporean? Ask ur mum to buy 4D.

Wait, have you met him in person yet? Better hang on to your horses before you do...

Anonymous said...

Erm yes.. he is one of the traders which I support so of course have seen him and talked to him beforehand. But all our previous encounters were purely work related which were kinda boring as its always chasing him to amend some stuff.

And yah.. I still wonder if I am dreaming or what when I woke up today. Cos his Thai doesn't sound half-baked which makes it even more amazing and cool.

Keke.. so Lai is DAMN looking forward to work (ahem albeit with an ulterior motive). *flashing my trained and practised smile with a diamond-bedazzling shine reflected off my teeth* Muahaha

jiin said...

oookkk... sekali he thinks u're a stalker then u noe... Lai has stalker potential.