13 Mar 2008

Rise of the Flies

I had a bag of prawns that were left forgotten in our grocery basket for 3 days before one of us realised it and threw it out.

Since then, i've killed a total of 15 fruitflies. 8 of them in just 2 hours last night. The best part is, everytime i kill one, another appears to take its place. And wait, that's not all, this is just the population contained in my room. Imagine what it's like outside in our kitchen...

Yes! That's the picture of my current arch nemesis!

It's like a never ending fight against evil. ARGH!!!

Die you little harbringers of pestilence! BE GONE! *Waving a badmiton racket around madly while invoking some ancient incantations*

Anyone care to share any good spells, *erhem* i mean good methods, to launch genocide on them?

Seriously, i think the world would be a better place without them. Except my sister says that it would wreck havoc on the ecosystem... Right... like i care about the role they play in the pollination of some flowers. Do they even pollinate flowers in the first place?

Ok... someone is ranting here. Must be the shocking heat and dehydration. Someone give me a 14 Gauge IV in the cubital fossa stat!


Anonymous said...

Does a moving bag of water above the food helps to keep the flies away? You know those you always see in Thailand food stall??

jiin said...

Really??? Like a moving punching bag? But i have no food in my room to protect. It's just flying all around and into me that's annoying me to hell...