19 Mar 2008

Tension at home

General #3 arrived from Hong Kong late monday night. My sis and i went to pick her up. I expected to be happy to see her, but on the contrary, i've just been feeling a grumbling sense of annoyance.

It doesn't help that MOAO is feeling irritable with the suddenly much more crowded living arrangments, although none of us are impinging on his living space aka his room.

Perhaps they've all been infected by my unhappiness with regards to a particular friend who has been overly dependent and attention seeking. I finally had enough of it and now routinely ignore all subtle and glaringly obvious behaviours at seeking attention and reassurance. Initially, this served to amplify her desperation but i believe it has started to die down. Of course, i've been trying to talk to people about whether it's just me with the counter transference issues.

On top of that, Long case exam is tomorrow. Yes. The dreaded long case. I just hope everything goes well. I've been having trouble keeping my presentation under 10mins. Bad.

Now, i have to go find my Jap textbook in the library or buy it from the foreign language bookshop.

I really wanted to start my Jap lessons on a better mood, but that currently holds a slim possibility.

Well, at least the weather is improving.

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