8 Jun 2009

What is this nonsense?

So ends my stint of nights. Nights are filled with people who need psychiatric involvement.

It sucks being the only female doctor on because any problem remotely related to the female nether region is automatically assigned to me. Not to mention that females are the ones more prone to anxiety and depression.

Like when there is a lady who was having her period who rushed herself to emergency at 2.30am after seeing a few clots, complaining of heavy bleeding and no other symptoms. Have you ever heard of someone bleeding to death from a period? I didn't think so.

Then a lady with a tension headache crying her eyes out and sayings things like "I'm just so tired of all the expectations everyone has of me. Everyone is depending on me." I stood there and stared at her. When her pain was resolving, her husband was brought into the room and she promptly coughed herself into vomiting and said her pain was back. God.

My favourite is a totally wasted young lady with a knee laceration who was hysterical at triage. She screamed so loudly that everyone else in the department and probably upstairs in the surgical ward thought that i was chopping her up with a cleaver when i was injecting local anaesthetic. She even screamed when i was tying off my stitches. Tying the knot for goodness sake. The nurses were giving her murderous looks.

The only funny thing that happened last night was this regular customer of ours who faked a collapse and was pushed into the department slumped in the wheelchair by his relative. He managed to stand on his feet when we transferred him onto the bed, we cut all 3 layers of his clothes off and i very mercilessly stuck him with an 18 gauge needle. I don't think he'll be coming in anytime soon if he values the rest of his clothes.

Oh how i wish we could do that to every undeserving patient who walks through the door. Hohoho...

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