14 Apr 2010

Hand me the crown would you?

So i've returned once again to brag about my procedural prowess. My technique with long lines is down pat and i've managed to maintain a 90% success rate of first stab success.

*massive undeflatable ego expanding exponentially*

So while i'm not at work and dying for procedures or surgeries to preoccupy my hands with because i haven't stepped foot into the OR for a year, i made these:

Got to channel all that digital dexterity somewhere!

Hopefully there will be more completed works arriving soon. I've got a design sketched out on paper for a necklace but can't seem to pin down the best material and technique for it so it's still on the drawing board.

On other inane random musings, i realised that i work in a hospital that peddles hope. The irony of having a cynic such as yours truly work in a children's hospital does not escape me. Perhaps deep down in the dark untouchable recesses of my sub-sub-sub-consciousness i'm an optimist afterall.

No matter how annoyed i get with nurses, parents, sometimes patients, at the end of the day if i see a cute baby who smiles at me, i feel that it's all worth it. Now i can say to my sis, "I can cuddle my patients too!"

Listening to Adam Lambert's album, his voice has versatility abound and the star power to evoke emotions. Pam's lewd graphic spiel about his "soul sucking" national tv pash which spawned legions of PWP aside, i find his songs addictive.

I guess another reason why i find him endearing is because he reminds me of a good friend/colleague/uni mate who is also tall, broad shouldered, hilariously witty and perhaps somewhat gay. Oh S, you make my life more colourful. :D

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