4 May 2009

Part 7

Part 1 - 6 here.

Alex watched Sam as she entered his office with a stack of paperwork balanced precariously in her right hand, hurriedly crossed the remaining 2 feet to his desk and almost dumped it into his in-tray in a desperate attempt to set it down before the mountainous pile began to disintegrate.

Alex gave her a mock look of displeasure, "Sam, when you hand in this much work at the end of the day, you make me look like an incompetent boss who can't keep up with his subordinates."

"Erm, I'm sorry?" Sam ventured hesitantly, a look of uncertainty creeping into her expressive brown eyes. Lately they haven't been smiling much. It comes as no surprise the way everyone has been gossiping about her and his predecessor's breakup at every given opportunity.

Alex sighed inwardly at his most indispensable staff member, whose seriousness is her greatest asset and fault.

Why does she not understand any of my jokes or compliments?

"I'm just kidding" he reassured, "looks like my diabolical plan to detain you further in the office has failed miserably."

"Boss, if you wanted me to stay back to help, just say the word." Sam diligently replied.

There goes my trusted sidekick taking things at face value again.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Alex noticed a flicker of excitement pulsing through beyond his glass windows. A quick glance identified a tall, cleanly shaven chap with chiseled features dressed in a tailored business suit being surrounded at Sam's cubicle by his already growing horde of adoring fans.

"Forget i said that. Don't keep your date waiting now." He gestured towards the young, attractive and probably rich intruder.

Alex observed Sam spin around quickly and upon recognition, let an almost inaudible gasp escape from her lips. Was there a hint of fluster, or was it just his imagination?

Probably just amazed at how gorgeous he looks and distressed by all the hungry lions swarming around him.

"Yes boss. I'll be taking my leave then." Sam dipped her head in a slight bow and retreated out of his office, walking briskly towards the stranger, her silky brown hair swirling around her shoulders.

Alex tried to peel his eyes away from watching Sam swiftly extricate her date from the marauding mob. The pair walked out to the lifts, his hand draped casually over her somewhat stiff shoulders and disappeared behind the closing doors of that death trap otherwise known as the elevator.

He stepped out of his office, a furrow in his brow, "Guys, you can keep pining after that mini celebrity who has just left the building and miss your dates tonight, or get back to work and go home before bedtime. Which is it?"

"Alex! Why are you punishing us?" Mia wailed in her lilting voice.

"What do you think?" Alex shot them a dark sinister look before settling himself back in his office.

He muttered to himself, "Lucky for me, i'm married to my work."

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